Thursday, May 1, 2014

Here to Help you Manage your Investment!

Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.
-Andrew Carnegie

Think about that quote for a minute.

Now think about all the fears and concerns you have with owning investment properties.

While the old adage, “Without risk, there is no reward”, may ring true for many in their daily lives, most individuals feel differently when it comes to one’s money and investments. Completely negating risk is impossible, but Hold: How to Find, Buy, and Rent Houses for Wealth is THE book to teach you how to make the most informed decision possible.

Broken into 5 steps, the book walks you through “the ultimate wealth-building strategy” (Chader Doty, and the McKissacks, xxi):
  1. Find: The right property for the right terms and the right price.
  2. Analyze: A property to make sure the numbers and the terms make sense.
  3. Buy: An investment property where you make money going in.
  4. Manage: Your tenants and properties like a pro.
  5.  Grow: Your way to wealth and financial freedom.

The book begins with finding the perfect investment property, often times though, your first rental property is your own home! You buy a home then life happens, and you have to move. Keeping your home as an investment property and renting it out has the potential to be a great source of income. But whether you are moving across town or to another state, managing your own rental can be tiring and frustrating; THAT IS WHERE I COME IN!

A good property manager is more than a rent collector or a part-time real estate agent. You want one who does property management full time. Good property managers are worth their weight in gold. They can maximize your rental revenues, help you assess whether or not to buy a property, and give you advice about insurance coverage, landlord/tenant laws, and government requirements. (Chader, Doty, and the McKissacks, xxxii)

If you are curious about renting your home, call The Property Shop 101 team! Our goal and philosophy is to help individuals build wealth through their properties and to take the stress out of the process as best we can. We do a rental market analysis, so we know we are getting you the most competitive price. We screen all potential tenants with a thorough application and credit/background check. We do mandatory inspections, so we know the condition of the home throughout its time in property management. We treat your home like it’s our own!

For more information, please don’t hesitate to call Kayla at 575-742-8686 or email at

Chader, Steve, Jennice Doty, Jim McKissack, and Linda McKissack. Hold: How to Find, Buy, and Rent Houses for Wealth. McGraw-Hill, 2013. Print.

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